Zhong Art International, in cooperation with the Shanghai Hanyuan Oriental Group, has organised from 5 to 13 November 2017 an exclusive tour in Italy for a group of eighteen managers from the main Chinese cities, all belonging to leading hotel and food service enterprises.

During their stay, they were able to visit some of the main Italian companies operating in the same field of business as "Coop" and "Marchesi Frescobaldi" in Florence, "Tenuta di Capezzana" in Carmignano and Artimino, "Eataly" and "Pasta Zini" in Milan, "Mercato Centrale" and "Pasticceria Panella" in Rome. They also attended an exclusive course of Food Design and Packaging Art taught by Paolo Barichella, an expert Food Designer, and by Ilaria Legato, professor at IED – European Institute of Design.

The main purpose of the whole initiative was to provide the Chinese managers with the key to understanding the distinctive features of the hotel and food industry in Italy, with particular attention to cultural influence on brands and to the use of emotional references able to recall customer’s personal experiences.

In addition, the group was offered private guided visits to some of the main Museums in Italy. In Florence they had the opportunity of an exclusive visit to Palazzo Feroni-Spini, the historical Salvatore Ferragamo headquarters with the brand’s private Museum.