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Artist's Residencies in Italy and in China

We have been the first to introduce and organise Artist's Residency programs abroad for both Italians and Chinese. We have established agreements with Mus.e, an association committed to the enhancement of artistic heritage in Florence, and we cooperate with the Municipality’s Cultural Department, with the Sechuan Fine Arts Academy and the Beijing Times Art Museum Our purpose is to support young artists from both countries, offering exceptional opportunities of self-improvement and the chance of sharing experiences in an international context, also promoting mutual acquaintance and an approach to each other’s cultures.

Italy Project

Italy Project is an annual program, launched in 2018 and continued in 2019, carried out in cooperation with MAD - Murate Art District, an Art research and production centre in Florence, connected with Mus.e cultural association. The call for participation is addressed to Chinese artists within 40 years of age, selected according to their resume and to the project they submit, with particular attention to social context, environmental awareness and participatory practices. They are given the opportunity of carrying out their research and artistic production in Florence for one month and, at the end of their stay, their works are exhibited at MAD’s premises. This project is being achieved also thanks to the important cooperation with the Fine Arts Academy in Sechuan and the Beijing Times Art Museum.

Artist's Residencies in Florence 2019

Artist's Residencies in Florence 2018

Artist's Residency in China

In parallel with the China Project, Zhong Art International has developed the annual program Artist's Residency in China, carried out in 2018 and 2019, again organised with MAD’s cooperation and in partnership with the Sechuan Fine Arts Academy and the Beijing Times Art Museum. The call for participation is addressed to young artists under the age of 35, active in Italy, expressing themselves through contemporary language, selected according to their resume and a research project related to interaction and cultural exchange between Italian and Chinese culture. The winners of the call have the opportunity of spending a period in China to carry out their research and artistic production at the Fine Arts Academy in Sichuan. The works they have executed are publicly exhibited to the Chinese public at the end of the stay and will also be shown later on in Italy.

Artist's Residencies in Beijing, 2019

Artist's Residencies in Beijing, 2018

Zhang Xiang Un passato fuori dal tempo (A Past beyond Time), 2019, installation inspired by the Florence 1966 floods


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